The walls had cranberry ticking wallpaper on them about 3/4 of the way up. The kids and I took down the wallpaper and I painted the walls green (after we scrapped, soaked, peeled and primed them). I added a new curtain and some accessories. We love it! It has made starting school even more of a fresh start. 
The paint is a Duron custom color in semi-gloss, but I found the color at Lowes. It is called Homstead Resort Pale Olive. Sometimes it looks more seems to change with the light. I did some sample colors on the wall before I committed to this one. The family was split on whether or not they liked it. But now that it's up and completed everyone really likes it. I wonder if this new look will inspire us to greatness this year? Hey! A mom can always hope!
The color looks so fresh, warm and inviting. Great start to the school year! Looks like a great room for home schooling. Enjoy the rest of the weekend :)
And your room looks beautiful!!! =) The yellow in our family room changes shades with the light too. Its pretty cool! =)
The room looks great. Very inviting - I'd like to spend some time there. I think your kids will flourish in there. Here's to a great school year ! I hope it's everything you want it to be.
One thing always leads to another...LOL! Your school room is beautiful...what a great job you did with a little bit of make over. The soft sagey/olive green and cream pair so elegantly. I can see how this will be a great room to work in this year. Make you want to linger... hopefully the kids will think so too! ;o) Happy weekend ((HUGS))
I like the new look. I'm toying with olive green for the "neutral" color throughout most of the house. but it's quite a change from light grey. I'll buy a can of paint and start in the laundry/mud room. If we don't like it, I'll call it primer and paint over it. They say that green is calming, so I'm sure your room will inspire greatness.
I love it! You are so going to have to help me decorate Isaiah's school room . . . of course, we have to build the room, first. =0) I was actually looking at that color for my bedroom - it was either the Homstead Resort Pale Olive (seriously, that's the name on the back of the sample) or this other stuff that reflects light (which I can't seem to find the sample for) - it has some sort of silver, glittery stuff in it (if those words work). =0) Sheesh, it stinks when you have a cold and your brain is in a fog. =0) I love the curtains, too!
Love you guys!
Your room is so beautiful, we have used a similar olive green also and I love it. Love your decorating to, very similar to mine!
Love the basket rack! So great. I want the rack and the baskets :)
the room looks great! and I love that the kiddos took part in redoing the room - i bet they're proud of how beautifully it turned out! what a great school space you have there with all those shelves and cabinets - so conducive to learning.
this looks amazing, where do you get ur energy. i'd love a room for a classroom for my kids, i'd definitely homeschool then.
I think it's stunning! I'm a big fan of soothing greens!
you ALL did an awesome job!! It looks so great!! LOVE the color and the drape fabric. It's perfect!!
a brand new start to the new year. perfect.
it looks fantastic!!!!!!!
I think it looks great! There's nothing like a redone room to inspire you!
Your new room looks fantastic. Nice job!
I had to laugh when I read your comment about things looking off. That's always how it goes for me. It never seems like a simple job. One thing always leads to another.
I love how your schoolroom came out. It looks beautiful. I would love a schoolroom like yours. Ok~any would be great. LOL
That looks great - what a wonderful desk. I like the pile of old books. We actually use some vintage english lesson books and old readers.
Thanks for sharing. And, I know for sure what you mean about one thing leading to another.... have a wonderful day.
loving it!
it never ceases to amaze me, what a fresh coat of paint will do for a space. it looks crisp and clean, like the perfect bite of celery. congrats to all the hands that created this great new look.
Love the school room redo. It looks so pleasant & inviting. I tried painting a room green years ago and never could get it right, but you did!
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