Since we're talking hearts and since Valentine's day is at the end of the week I've been thinking about my treasures. You know, the things that are special to me and that I place value in....when it all comes down to it, I get to choose what I treasure. Just like I get to choose the color of yarn for my dishcloths. If I'm grouchy it's because I've chosen to be grouchy and irritable. (ouch, I'm stepping on my own toes!) I was reminded while John and I were reading the Love Dare that what I focus on becomes what I treasure. If I focus on the good things in my life, they become my treasures. If instead I hone in on the things that are driving me bonkers...then they become my focus. This quote really jumped out at me..." you should not just follow your heart. You should lead it. You don't let your feelings and emotions do the driving. You put them in the back seat and tell them where you're going." So, I have to take control over what I dwell on, I can't let my feelings and emotions control me. I get to choose the color of the yarn when I'm knitting and I get to choose the color of my day as well by choosing what I'm going to focus on. Today I choose pink! 
"For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also." Luke 12:34
I so agree with you about trying to focus on the good things. I find myself often focusing on the bad stuff and then I get all depressed. Just changing my attitude and my focus makes huge changes in my day. Thanks for the reminder.
great post. our humanity seems to drive us constantly to the gap between perfect and where we see ourselves. our mind's eye gets distracted from our simple, yet extravagant treasures. thanks for the challenge to bounce our eyes back to the blessings. by the way, all the quick's are in our treasures inventory!
What a lovely reminder in a beautiful post. My DH and I were just talking about how to a large extent our thoughts do determine where we go. Thank you for this post and lovely verse.
And your cloths are pretty too! :)
great dishcloths! love that heart pattern.
sometimes dying to self and thus choosing a treasure is sometimes so hard!
my husband and i watched fireproof this weekend, we didn't know the love dare is out already so that is great news! love your post and your realization that you can choose your color!
I am so in love with you and that you know that you can choose your color. I choose to focus on Him and YOU I love you so much! You are so amazing,magnificent, wonderful, brilliant, and exceptional!!!!!!!!!
wow! what a commnet by hubby. love like that is worth changing your color for!
how wonderful it was to open my mail today and be surprised by my heart dishcloth! how cute it is. THANK YOU for sending me a hug in the mail.
what a wonderful reminder to focus on what we have.....thank you! i do love that we are in control of our emotions and our thoughts. and how by doing so we determine our minute our hour our day our week our month our year.
and by using one of those lovely cheerful are bound to be happy in that minute in that hour in that day...................
Great reminder. Someone said on a blog one day that you live with your thoughts so be careful what they are. I like the idea of focusing on your treasures. Happy Valentines Day.
Oooo, those are sooo cute! =0) I might be doing some of these in a few weeks . . . a little too late for Valentine's Day, but ready for next year! =0) By the way, I still haven't finished the sweater yet, but I will . . . before starting the others, of course. =0)
Miss you guys!
I'm so amazed at what you accomplish. You are like the Proverbs 31 woman. Hope you are feeling better and we can craft together next week. I have some cotton yarn for your dishcloth knitting.
Just the phrase, "today I choose pink", sounds so happy and positive. Nice post! And I love that scarf!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
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