I've been wearing reading glasses since I was in college. It's been no big deal...I put them on when I'm reading or stitching...or when my eyes would feel tired. But lately, I noticed that I was putting them on more often and leaving them on longer. So when Mckenzie needed her eyes checked, I thought it would be a good time for me to go in as well. (it'd been 5 years since I'd seen my eye doctor). Well, he nicely informed me that I'd hit that stage of life when lenses dry out and eyes become less elastic and he went on about my prescription needs having changed...really it was all downhill from there. So I got these new glasses.
They are progressives. They have a section for distance vision, a section for reading and a middle section for the in between stuff (like computer work and dashboards). They are not like my reading glasses. I am getting adjusted to how they work and where I need to look to see whatever it is I'm trying to see. I'm learning where to focus and it's been tricky. I've been feeling a bit off balance.
It's all gotten me thinking though that this adjustment process with my progressive lenses is a lot like life. I'm in a season of my life (aside from my eye glasses) where I'm adjusting my focus. Life is full of opportunities for me to readjust my focus. (new roles, changing seasons, kids growing, forgiving wrongs, trusting more, worrying less, letting go of wrong assumptions....I'd better stop while I'm ahead) But no matter what the area, I need to be patient with the process. Just as it's going to take time to get adjusted to these new lenses, when I'm in a refocusing season of my life, I need to be patient with the process. It takes time to readjust your focus. When you're used to looking at something a certain way, it requires purposefulness to redirect your gaze. It takes time to know where to look for what. I might feel off balance from time to time, but I know Who my anchor is. As long as I keep my eyes on Him, I can sharpen my focus. "I have set the LORD always before me. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken." Psalm 15:8.
Oooo...your new glasses are super-cute! And your encouragement to focus on the Lord is timely.
Love your new glasses, I'm quite overdue to see the eye doctor as well. Lovely post, I've been feeling off balance today and needed this post :)
Love you new glasses and was praying for focus onmy way home tonight! Thanks for the scripture!
Chris in Michigan
Love them,I find myself reaching for mine more often too. They were supposed to be for night driving and now they appear frequently. Thanks for the scripture, it is so perfect for things in my life right now.
Your new glasses are so stylish, Lisa... the look so good on you! New glasses is always a bit deal. And especially progressives. My husband got progressives two years ago, and it actually took him a long time to get adjusted to them--the experience is so different to "regular" glasses. I need an eye check up myself, and probably new glasses. Maybe not progressives yet, though. But it does have me thinking how midlife is a great time to reassess, refocus... wonderfully expressed, Lisa. Enjoy your sassy new glasses! ;o) Happy Autumn Days to you & yours ((HUGS))
Oh those look so good on you! I wear mono vision contacts, and it took a good month for me to get used to them, and now I love them. I bet you'll love your new glasses once the woozy adjustment part is over ;).
And pretty new header!
You look great in your new specs! I hope you get used to them soon. Last spring I changed to one contact for near vision and the other for far vision - would you believe, it works?! Amazing what you can get used to.
You are so right about the importance of thinking about where our focus is. This has been a bit of a challenge to me of late with worry about my daughter. Why is it so hard to trust?! Your quote is perfect for me.
Love you new glasses. It is amazing how many "new" things in our life seem to shift our focus back where it needs to be, isn't it. Continue enjoying your view!
Very nice! And I love your cute hair do, too! I am feeling like in just the past 6 months I have been needing reading glasses more. I can't see texts on my phone and this is a problem!
Looking stylish, Miss Lisa! I'm sure things are coming into focus. Sometimes, it does take awhile to see the light.
Love your new glasses!! And what a great perspective on life :).
You look lovely. It's very important as we make adjustments that we look lovely! ;)
Blessings, Debbie
LOVE your new glasses! so stylish!! I've been feeling a bit out of focus myself lately. how comforting to know you also feel that way sometimes. and my new glasses are making me feel a bit unbalanced. oh the blessings of aging! glad I can age with you beside me!!
How "perceptive" you are here. Sometimes we must adjust our focus, many times throughout the course. I agree that we must be patient with the process. Your remedy to sharpen your focus is the truth, therefore, worthy of our attention.
I hope you're adjusting to the glasses. I loved your thoughts on focusing--so true. I think that we often forget that visually focussing isn't a one-and-done thing. The eyes are continually re-adjusting to keep focused. Just like life--continually re-adjusting!
Oh yes, I just got progressives (albeit a very minor prescription) the beginning of this year. Actually, for any up-close detail work, I take my glasses off or constantly get a crick in my neck for looking under them. Very nice glasses.
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