We've been on holiday....for about two weeks. It's been wonderful, as we've spent time with family and friends enjoying the down time. This year John took off the week between Christmas and New Year's and our
great friends the
Robbs came to visit.
Here are some snippets of what we've been busy with:
::holiday baking (cinnamon rolls for Christmas morning)

::unwrapping presents

::tormenting the dog with holiday apparel (isn't she cute?)

::enjoying family (Maggie taught my mom how to play the x-box...you never heard such laughter!)

::waking up to surprise snowfalls

:: enjoying friends

::creating and crafting

::male bonding

:: starting the new year off quite sweetly (thanks Uncle Mark!)

:: saying goodbye to a wonderful vacation and great time with friends

I'll be back next week with some
small changes that we'll be starting for this new year! Hope you've been enjoying all the little moments in your days! Happy New Year friends!
You all look like you've had a wonderful holiday week!!! =) And it looks like you had a great time with your friends!! =) I know Maggie and Kenzie have said that they had a blast!!! =) Love you!!!
Happy New Year! Looks like 2009 ended wonderfully for you and your family, hope 2010 is just as wonderful!
What a wonderful time you must have had....And how nice to share it with Kristyn and family. I'm glad to see you're back blogging. I missed you, my friend.
What a blessed holiday time you had ;-) Thank you for sharing...
Have a blessed and peaceful new year!
Happy New Year, looks like you all had a wonderful time. Great pics, your doggie is adorable :)
So much fun and now that it's a new year we get to have even more!
Maggie #22
P.S. I love your blog Mom! :)
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christmas! I got my dad to play the Wii (Wii fit) for a little bit - boy, was that a hoot! =0)
Love you guys!
l o v e this post!! how fun it was to be in the arms of wonderful friends as we started 2010!! and have craft time with you...the best. thanks for all the special moments. the boys keep saying "this smells like maggie and kenzie." :)
Happy New Year. Looks like a great time. Can't wait to hear the Small Changes!
We missed you Lisa, but so glad that you had a great holiday. Hope you have a wonderful start to 2010
LOVE all these photos! everything looks like so much fun. the photo of your kiddos on Christmas morning is my favorite. can't wait to see what you're sewing and what cool crafts you made with Kristyn. Happy New Year to you and your family!
It's nice to be back in touch, Lisa. Looks like you had a fabulous family Christmas too! Oh, could Maggie teach me x box too? (first of all, what is it? lol!) Wondering what you were sewing too!
Sounds like a great time. My dh also took this time off as vacation. Unfortunately, we were not able to enjoy our time as we lost his brother on the 21st in a work accident. It has been a difficult time.
oh, everything looked like it was just perfect!! happy new year!
Hi, Lisa! Happy New Year! Great to be back from our trip and catching up with you here, seeing how your holidays where. Loved this backward glance at your festive times this holiday season--thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the very best in 2010! :o) ((HUGS))
Looks like you're all having such fun! And that puppers, looks a little like our beloved Bud -- cute!
Have to say I've got a little donut envy here too -- our Dunkin Donuts shop closed about a year ago ;-(.
Looks like such a perfect holiday -- friends, family, food ... and festive pets. Thanks for sharing!
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