::{munching candy canes...the kid's favorite Christmas treat!}
::{creating secret gifts}
::{enjoying the snow....while it lasted}
::{incorporating some holiday reading into our school days}
::{decking the halls, and windows and walls!}
::{doing our best work, even when it's hard because of all the excitement in the air}
::{watching surprise science experiments}
::{enjoying some kid directed baking}
::{savoring our family advent time}
looks like your world is filled with merry these days! yeah for you!! the baking projects look yummy! and what's up with that secret project...teasing us like that! the recipient is sure to be blessed!
Lovely and merry days! So glad you're all having fun.
Wonderful days! Looks like you are having a wonderful time!
Can I come be one of your kids? What an amazing display of what the season should be. Many blessings my friend!
You days are full of wonderful holiday merriment!
What fun you create and enjoy with your children. I love, love, love seeing what you are up to. I also think it's wonderful you are blogging during these child rearing years. They will be able to remember all the times they shared growing up with their close knit family.
Great post. (always!)
looks like you are having fabulous family times together. love all your experiments and baking and advent traditions.
The memories you are making with your children are priceless. Such busy times and yet you're making time for special memories. You're an inspiration. And just what is this gift you are making?
Oh do share that science experiment. It looks like fun.
Everything looks like fun. Enjoy your time together making memories.
This is when I really miss having little ones around. Even the first crop of grandchildren are adults and almost-adults. Adult Christmas preparations are very nice, and tidy, but quiet, and adult-made cookies aren't the same as kid-made cookies. The CD player is on loud, and I'm enjoying getting ready, sort of, in a joyful-wistful way. I love your blog because I enjoy yours vicariously.
You're doing such a great job enjoying the season!!
I love seeing kid decorated cookies! Of course, about 15 minutes into it I'm breaking out in hives but it's so fun for them.
Oh Amelia Bedelia! I LOVE LOVE LOVE her. I will have to try and check out her Christmas book. It looks like you are all enjoying this holiday season together.
Amelia Bedelia books are such fun :)
Everything looks wonderful and delightful.
Thank you for sharing your lovely day,
Lisa, you get me in the Christmas mood every time you post. (maybe I told you that already) Wish I had some of those lovely cookies to eat with my afternoon cup of tea. Lovely post, dear lady!!
I LOVE how you're incorporating your holiday traditions into your school day! your frosted Christmas tree cookies are making me salivate and all those beautiful hand stitches are making me wish I took the time to stitch more - i'm still getting over my machine stitched binding. We love Amelia Bedilia around here too - no one else says 'draw the drapes' like she does. Abigail and I have been reading holiday stories aloud each night and the boys have been listening in - so nice. Thanks so much for sharing all the loveliness that fills your family's day.
Love your pictures. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
These are the sweetest days just now! Love seeing behind the scenes the lead-up to Christmas there. Is that Cauliflower/broccoli in your science project?! Wishing you all the Happiest Holidays! I may not get to swing by here again before we leave for our Christmas trip on Sunday. So will look forward to catching up with you soon! ((HUGS))
warmth exudes from this post.
merry merry days!
Oh my, don't know how you do it all! But don't you love these hustle and bustle days in spite of their hectic nature? I do ;-).
Beautiful post, as always. It looks like you are having a lovely time weaving holiday cheer into your everyday life.
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