I've heard people say that women go through seasons in their lives. I guess that sounds better than going through a phase...you think? One way to tell what season it is, is to look around and notice the things that are going on around you...so, as I survey the details of my life, I realize how full this season is, in which I find myself. The bulk of my day is spent in educating our kids. We've chosen to home school and that has an impact on a large chunk of my day.
Home education has been a great choice for us. Way back when we started to home school, I felt like it defined me. I was really self conscience about being a 'home school family'...now that we've been doing it for so long, I feel like it's just a part of who we are. It's definitely not a phase...this year is our 10th year of home schooling. Unbelievable. I always say that I'm probably the one who has learned the most....it has taught me self sacrifice, diligence, accountability, time management and how to lean on the Lord (among other things).
I still struggle with insecurities and wonder whether academically we're doing enough, too much or hitting all the important stuff. (I don't however worry about socialization...in case you wondered) Our typical day starts with a group Bible time. Right now we're reading through the book of Joshua. We just read a chapter each day and talk about how we can apply it to our lives. It's probably the most important thing we do all day long. After Bible the kids start in on their schoolwork. From that point on, I'm moving from one student to the next, teaching math, editing papers, working on science labs, reading history, teaching phonics....you get the idea.
This is really the first year that everyone has their own individual curriculum for everything. No one overlaps on specific curriculums. I've got a High School Sophomore, a 7th grader and a 2nd grader. In past years, I was able to share a science or history curriculum between two kids. This year everyone is doing their own thing. In between lessons, the rest of life happens. (I throw in a load of laundry, get dinner started, make phone calls or check my favorite blogs.)
On Thursdays, the girls head to classes and John Samuel and I go to Community Bible Study. Fridays are full with morning school here and then science, geography and a logic class at a co-op. The trick is maintaining a steady at home schedule. There are so many options...but in order for us to do a thorough job of getting school done, be have to be home. John does some supplemental stuff in the evenings with the kids. It's a full family effort. It is a full time job. One that has benefits I may not even know about in this lifetime. Some of the things that make it all worthwhile are:

- I love seeing the light bulb go on when one of them catches on to a new concept.
- I love that they know each other and are involved in each other's daily lives.
- I love not having to pack lunches!
- I love seeing them help each other out with struggles.
- I love being able to let them find their wings and follow their interests as they learn.
I know that there will be seasons where I have more time to myself than others. This however, isn't one of those...but that's OK. I wouldn't trade this season for anything. What season are you in right now? Enjoy it! The seasons go by too fast.
I am in that season with you... with five grade levels and a 20 month old... I have been learning to give in to this time... to realize that the time invested in my children is the best use of that time right now.
I agree with you on the seasons of life. I'm redefining myself. My last job took me a bit off course. I've been enjoying this time of temporary retirement to get myself back together and on a new great track. I'm looking forward to seeing where life leads and what my new season will look like.
You are just such an inspiration. Those are three huge age ranges of children, and it gives me the hope that I can find the confidence to homeschool our children for many more years to come.
Your mornings sound like such a great way to greet the day. Thanks for sharing
No matter what season you're in, you do it with such grace, dignity, love, and care. You're storing up treasures in heaven for the modeling of God that you do for many of us each and every day.
The women who will follow you in your homeschooling journey may not struggle with the same issues, because you've gone before them paving a smooth way.
I seriously cannot even imagine having to pack a bunch of lunches every day!
This season may be long and it may be tiring, and even frustrating at times, but it is still truly my favorite season, and Lord willing, if He tarries and if laws and situations don't change, I'll be in this season for many years more (my youngest is 11 months!)
Enjoy them,
Wow mom i dind't realize how busy we were. I love you so much. Thanks for all the time you put into everything you do!
I admire so much about you, Lisa! I think all the self sacrifice, discipline, accountability that homeschooling has taught you is reflected in who you are- an incredibly gifted, caring, loving, kind, and generous person! I only wish I could be like you! Maybe in a different season of my life? :)
What a beautiful and inspiring post! and not just for homeschooling moms, but for all moms. I love reading about how you educate and raise your children to be knowledgeable, responsible and spiritual people.
In this season I have chosen to be WITH my kiddos when I am with my kiddos. I finish up all my housework, volunteering, bills, crafting and computer time by the time they get home. Then it's all about listening to stories about their day, smoothies, homework, more eating, checking all the writing - all interspersed with lots of open-ended questions about their successes and concerns. We also play and listen to music because this season i'm especially aware of how big they are getting and that I will only have ezra for 8 eight more years - and who knows how many of those he'll still think i'm the best cook ever and want to give me lots of hugs.
Thanks for taking the time to share your family in this post. And if i were you i wouldn't worry about socialization either - with your daughters writing and directing a dozen kids in drama productions. As I'm writing this i can't help but notice Maggie's words in the comment above - doesn't that just say it all!
I may be a public school teacher, but I love that you home school. I can really tell your heart is there.
I don't think its possible for you to not keep up with what they are teaching in school. You are one of the best teachers I know!! :)
BTW-I hate packing lunches too, but I guess I need to! Christi
You are an inspiration. I wish I had your courage to homeschool for my Cameron.
Well I am definitely past your season, but I had to say how much I admire you for all the good you are doing with your children. I am very impressed with ALL of it. Your children are benefiting in so many ways...and yes, I'm sure you are too. Hats off to you! :)
Definitely in that season as well. What a wonderful post - it reminds me to reset my priorities, it encourages...I'm not the only experiencing the 'downs' of the season. I need to look for and concentrate on the 'ups'.
I am a retired teacher, and I love hearing about successful home schooling. I know it is about your love of your children, that's why you are being successful at it. I could have been a great home-schooling mom if I didn't have to go to work. So we made the best of the summer and other holidays, and I passed my "teacher love" on to the 750+/- students that were under my care.
It sounds a lot like our day here. It is very important to be home to homeschool. You can't let the day get away from you. We start our day together with a devotional and Bible study and then the kids work independently with my help. I use the in between times to do correcting and dinner, laundry and blog visiting.
i am in a season of silence. i cannot seem to find inspiration in writing, so i decided to catch up with some of my favorite writers. i am so impressed with the job that you and john have done with your three. and while i have not seen you in action, i am sure you are a perennial teacher of the year candidate. enjoy this season, because that's what you are doing in the kids' lives. you are salting their lives with truth and love.
lisa... i have so much admiration for you and all that homeschool.
again.... i love what maggie said. she really hit the nail on the head.
So much enjoyed this post, Lisa! You are incredible! :o) I admire how you balance everything with teaching and homelife. I admire your homeschooling. If we had had children, I would loved to have done home schooling. I admire the dedication, care and enthusiasm you bring to your homeschooling. It sounds like a great season just now there. :o) My own season is pretty sweet just now too. For about 2-3 years it has been actually. I've been riding a creative wave that's taking me to some wonderful places and meeting lovely souls along way. Like yours. :o) Happy Day to you all ((HUGS))
This is my first visit to your blog and I had to comment on what a lovely feel you have here. Great post! I hear you and second what you wrote. I'm a bit farther on in the homeschooling season with a college graduate, a junior in college, and two still at home. It's still a juggling act, but not as many balls to keep in the air, which means I have some knitting time. :)
If you have a 10th grader, you're going to be very busy for a few years, but sooner than you think you'll be down to two, too! (And no, I didn't plan to end that sentence with three homonyms!)
Love you daughter's comment! You have her heart and that's most important.
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